
akustische messung/Publikationen Thomas Ziegler


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T. Ziegler, „Functions for noise reduction in acoustic standards: evaluating reverberation time, mean absorption coefficient, and a novel approach“, Internoise 2024, August 2024, Nantes, France.

T. Ziegler, „Über die akustische Dimensionierung der Räume Gruppe B in der DIN 18041/2016 und der ÖNORM B8115-3/2023“, DAGA 2024, March 2024, Hannover Germany.

Slides Vortrag DAGA 2024, Hannover

T. Ziegler, „On Scattering Coefficients and Fitting Density for Room Acoustic Simulation of Industry Halls“,  Technical Report 03/2019. 

T. Ziegler, C.T. Herbst,  „On Scattering Coefficients and Fitting Density for Room Acoustic Simulation of Industry Halls“ , DAGA 2019, March 2019, Rostock Germany.

T. Ziegler, „Comparing Measurement and Simulation Results using Model Calibration for Room Acoustical Evaluation of Industry Halls“, Proc. of Euronoise 2018, Heraklion, Crete, May 2018

F. Hammer, P. Reichl, T. Ziegler: Where Packet Traces meet Speech Samples; Proceedings of IEEE IWQoS, Montreal, 2006

F. Vacirca, T. Ziegler and E. Hasenleithner, “ An Algorithm to detect TCP Spurious Timeouts and its Application to Operational UMTS/GPRS Networks „, Computer Networks Journal, 12/2005

F. Vacirca, T. Ziegler and E. Hasenleithner, „Estimating Frequency and Effects of TCP Spurious Retransmission Timeouts by Traffic Monitoring in Operational GPRS Networks“, IEEE International Teletraffic Congress (ITC), Beijing,August 2005.

D. Valerio, F. Vacirca, L. De Cicco, S. Mascolo, T. Ziegler Optimizing Carrier Sensing in 802.11 Multihop Wireless Networks The IFIP Fifth Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (MedHocNet 2006), Lipari, Italy, June 14-17, 2006

I. Gojmerac, L. Jansen, T. Ziegler, P. Reich] Feasibility Aspects of AMP Performance Evaluation in a Fluid Simulation Environment Workshop des GI / ITG Fachausschusses, Hamburg, Germany, Septemer 8-9, 2005

G. Buchholz, T. Ziegler, „TCP-ELN: On the Protocol Aspects and Performance of Explicit Loss Notification for TCP over Wireless Networks“, First International Conference on Wireless Internet (WICON), Budapest, July 2005.

E. Hasenleithner, T. Ziegler, P. Krueger, „A Performance Evaluation of Software Tools for Delay Emulation“, IEEE International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS), July  2005.

H.T. Tran, T. Ziegler, „Evaluating the Applicability of QoS aware Bandwidth
Provisioning Schemes: Methodologies and Results“, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Seoul,   Korean, May 2005.

Hung Tuan Tran and Thomas Ziegler: Adaptive Bandwidth Provisioning with Explicit Respect to QoS Requirements, Computer Communications Journal, Vol1, 2005

Hung Tuan Tran and Thomas Ziegler: Dimensioning Approaches for an Access Link Assuring Integrated QoS, Proc. of IPQoS 2005

T. Ziegler, H.T. Tran, E. Hasenleithner: Improving perceived Web Performance by Size based Congestion Control,  IEEE Networking 2004, Athens, May 2004

H.T. Tran, T. Ziegler: On adaptive Bandwidth Provisioning Schemes, IEEE ICC 2004, Paris, June 2004
E. Plasser, T. Ziegler: A RED Function Design targeting Link Utilization and stable Queue Size Behavior, Elsevier  Computer Networks Journal, Issue 44 (2004), pg 383-410

E. Plasser, T. Ziegler, A RED Function Design Targeting Link Utilization and Stable Queue Size Behavior“, in Computer Networks Journal, 2004

Gojmerac, T. Ziegler, F. Ricciato, P. Reichl: “Adaptive Multipath Routing for Dynamic Traffic Engineering“.  Proc. GLOBECOM03, San Francisco, Nov. 2003.

Gojmerac, T. Ziegler, P. Reichl: “Adaptive Multipath Routing Based on Localized Distribution of Link Load Information“. Proc. QofIS03, Stockholm, Oct. 2003.

H.T. Tran, T. Ziegler, „Adaptive Bandwidth Provisioning with Explicit Respect to QoS Requirements“, Proc. QofIS03, Stockholm, Oct. 2003.

H.T. Tran, T.V. Do, T. Ziegler, „Analysis of MPLS compliant nodes deploying multiple LSPs routing“, Proceedings of HETNETs 03, Ilkley, West Yorkshire, U.K., July 2003

H.T. Tran, T. Ziegler, „Engineering Solution of a CAC Mechanism for Voice Traffic over IP Networks“, Proceedings of 6th IEEE International Conference on High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications, HSNMC‘03, July 23- 25, 2003, Estoril, Portugal

G. Buchholcz, A. Gricser, T. Ziegler, Tien V. Do, „Explicit Loss Notification to improve TCP Performance over Wireless Networks“, Proceedings of 6th IEEE International Conference on High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications, HSNMC-03, July 23-25, 2003 Estoril, Portugal

H.T. Tran, T. Ziegler, F. Ricciato, „QoS Provisioning for VoIP Traffic by Deploying Admission Control“, Proceedings of ArtofQoS 2003, Workshop on Architectures for Quality of Service in the Internet, Warsaw, March 2003

C. Beaujean, et al., „Implementation and Evaluation of an EndtoEnd IP QoS Architecture for Networks beyond 3rd Generation“, Proc. of 12th IST Summit on Mobile and Wireless Communications, Aveiro, Portugal, June 2003

E. Hasenleithner, T. Ziegler, „Comparison of Simulation and Measurement using State of the Art Web Traffic Models“, Proceedings of IEEE ISCC 2003, Antalya, Turkey, July 2003

E. Plasser, T. Ziegler, „A RED Function Design Guaranteeing stable System Behavior“, Proceedings of IEEE ISCC 2003, Antalya, Turkey, July 2003

G. Mittenecker, T. Ziegler, „Paket Scheduling Methoden zur Leistungsoptimierung im Internet“, special edition of PIK Journal 2002, written in German

T. Ziegler, E. Plasser „On Randomization for Active Queue Management Congestion Avoidance“, Proceedings of ICCC 2002, Bombay, India, August 2002

E. Plasser, T. Ziegler, P. Reichl, „On the Non_|inearity of the RED Drop Function“, Proceedings of ICCC 2002, Bombay, India, August 2002

E. Plasser, T. Ziegler, „Stability Margins of TCP with a Proportional AQM Controller“, Proceedings of Networks 2002,  Munich, Germany, June 2002.

T. Ziegler, „On Averaging for Active Queue Management Congestion Avoidance“, Proceedings of IEEE ISCC 2002, Taormina, Italy, July 2002.

E. Plasser, T. Ziegler, P. Reichl, G. Mittenecker, „Internet Services beyond Best Effort“, E&I Journal, Springer Vienna/New York, 2nd issue 2002

P. Reichl, B. Stiller, T. Ziegler, „Charging Multi—dimensional QoS with the Cumulus Pricing Scheme“, Proceedings of ITCom 2001, Denver, Colorado, August 2001.

T. Ziegler, C.Brandauer, S. Fdida, „A Quantitative Model of RED with TCP Traffic“, Proceedings of IEEE/ACM/IFIP IWQoS 2001, Karlsruhe, June 2001.

G. Iannaccone, C. Brandauer, T. Ziegler, C. Diot, S. Fdida, M. May, Comparison of Tail Drop and Active Queue Management Performance for bulk-data and Web-like Internet Traffic, Proceedings of IEEE ISCC 2001, Hammameth, Tunesia, July 2001.

T. Ziegler, S. Fdida, C. Brandauer, Stability Criteria of RED With TCP Traffic, IFIP ATM&IP Working Conference, Budapest, June 2001.

S. Salsano, F. Ricciato, M. Winter, G. Eichler, A. Thomas, T. Ziegler, C. Brandauer, Definition and usage of SLSs in the AQUILA consortium, IETF Draft, Oct. 2000

T. Ziegler, S. Fdida, C. Brandauer, B. Hechenleitner, Stability of RED With two-way TCP Traffic, IEEE ICCCN, Las Vegas, Oct 2000.

T. Ziegler, S. Fdida, A distributed Mechanism for Identification and Discrimination of non TCP-friendly Flows in the Internet, IFIP Networking 2000, HPN track, Paris, May 2000.

Ziegler, S. Fdida, U. Hofmann, RED+ Gateways for Identification and Discrimination of unfriendly best-effort Flows in the Internet, IFIP Broadband Communications 99, Hong Kong, November 1999.

T. Ziegler, H.D. Clausen, Congestion Avoidance With BUC (Buffer Utilization Control) Gateways and RFCN (Reverse Feedback Congestion Notification, IEEE IPCCC’97, International Phoenix Conference for Computers and Communication, Scottsdale, Arizona, February 1997.

Miloucheva, T. Ziegler, Mechanisms for Reliable Transmission on Multimedia Highways, IEEE IPCCC’96,
International Phoenix Conference for Computers and Communication, Scottsdale, Arizona, March 1996.

T. Ziegler, H.D. Clausen, Fast Retransmit/Fast Recovery Algorithm and TCP Self Clocking Mechanism, PROMS’95, Second international workshop for multimedia systems, Salzburg, Austria, October 1995.

Miloucheva, T. Ziegler, Mechanisms for Reliable Transmission on High Delay Networks, PROMS’95, Second international workshop for multimedia systems, Salzburg, Austria, October 1995.

– T. Ziegler, Optimizing Fairness and Effciency of Internet Congestion
Control, PHD Thesis, LIP6 Labs, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris

– T. Ziegler, Buffer Utilization Control Gateways using Reverse Feedback
Congestion Notifcation, Masters Thesis, Angewandte Informatik, Universität Salzburg